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UX & Service Design

Product development with the user in focus

The area of UX & Service Design is a natural extension of ESSIQ’s core, user-focused product development. We want to be involved in creating products and services that are relevant and we love using. We were early adopters, and have helped many conservative, technology-heavy companies to take the step towards a user and usability focus. Even before user experience (UX) entered our vocabulary, our consultants went out and helped customers to develop products for future young, clever and tech-savvy customers.

Nowadays, UX & Service Design is a natural choice for many companies. Not because we now have the right technology and platform, but rather because our people have the right ambition, innovation and personality. The technology comes second. The UX & Service Design consultants at ESSIQ now work with customers across many industries, and we can offer exciting opportunities for people who enjoy new development with a user focus. The field is rapidly changing and constantly expanding, and we want to a big part of these changes.

UX designers
Full stack developers
Software developers
Graphic designers and animators
Product owners